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Privacy Policy (Regarding the Handling of Personal Information)
Yuka Sangyo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “we”, depending on the context) recognizes it as its obvious social responsibility to customers’ personal information it has acquired through transactions, inquiries or on any other occasion (hereinafter referred to as “transactions etc.”) and will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with this policy and make every possible effort to keep it under secure control.
Personal Information the Company Holds
We hold the following personal information on our customers.
- 1. Customers’ personal information we have acquired through transactions, etc. (items of personal information stated in application forms or written contracts, such as personal name, sex, place of domicile, date of birth, telephone number and e-mail address)
- 2. History of purchases, information on services provided, etc. generated in connection with the performance of particulars of transactions
Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Customers’ personal information we hold may be used for any of the following purposes. Personal information you have provided to us shall be used for no other purpose without your consent.
- 1. Performance of our obligations in transactions with customers, management of contracts, and implementation of post-contract obligations and post-delivery servicing
- 2. Supply of information to you, such as sending direct mails to introduce our other products and services, and products, services, etc. of other members of our group which seem to prove useful for you.
Our communication using your personal information for this purpose shall be stopped at your request.
Protection and Management of Personal Information
In addition to this Policy, we have sets of internal rules intended for information security management including the Information Security Management Regulations and the Personal Information Protection Regulations, and strictly observe Japanese laws and other official norms related to protection of personal information including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Also, we will endeavor for education and enlightenment of individual employees with a view to enhancing their awareness of the importance of protection of personal information.
In the management of your personal information, under an officer responsible for overall information security management, each organization unit handling personal information has a person in charge of appropriate management, and in all respects we pay utmost attention to the prevention of external leaking of such information. Further, against illicit access attempts from outside and the risk of loss, destruction or forging of such information, we have in place safety measures at an appropriate and reasonable level.
In addition, we continually review these organizational setups and measures for the protection of personal information, and endeavor for their further improvement.
On Making Personal Information Available to Third Parties
We shall never disclose or make available your personal information we hold to any third party without your consent, except in the following cases in which we may disclose or make available your personal information.
- 1. When public law justifies it;
- 2. When it is necessary for protecting human life, body or property but obtaining your prior consent is difficult;
- 3. When it is particularly necessary for enhancing public hygiene or promoting children’s healthy upbringing but obtaining your prior consent is difficult, and
- 4. When our cooperation is needed from a national or local government or for implementing legally prescribed actions under commission from the government but seeking your consent may obstruct our implementation of such actions.
External Entrustment of Personal Information
In order to provide better service, we may entrust the handling of personal information to some external party. In such a case, we choose an entrusted party who is recognized to be appropriately handling personal information, and have the entrusted party implement appropriate management to prevent your personal information from leaking by requiring proper management of such information and maintenance of its confidentiality, forbidding of its supply to another party and so forth.
On Disclosure of Personal Information
You can require us at any time to disclose to you your personal information we hold. When you require disclosure of your own personal information, we shall meet your requirement without delay. Please get in touch with our contact site.
Correction or Deletion of Personal Information
If any error is found in your personal information given to us, you can require us to correct or delete the pertinent personal information. When you require correction or deletion of personal information on yourself, we shall make an inquiry without delay and, if we find a circumstance justifying the correction or deletion, we shall correct or delete the pertinent information without delay. Please get in touch with our contact site.
Contact Details
General Affairs Department
7F Ebisu Neonato, 4-1-18 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0013
Office hours: 9:00 - 17:30 (Mon-Fri)
Tel.: +81-3-5791-4101
Fax.: +81-3-5791-5200
Other Information
Revisions to Privacy Policy
The Company makes appropriate revisions to this Privacy Policy in order to improve the management of personal information. Website users are therefore asked to reacquaint themselves with this policy on a regular basis.