Yuka-Sangyo Brand Products

We are engaged in R&D efforts to think together with clients and work out more satisfactory products for them in four areas including metal working fluids, cleansers for business use, chemicals for use in paper making and feeds for farm animals.


Please address your inquiry about this product line to:

Cleaning agents

Alkaline cleaner
Product name Application
Metalex®CL-201 For cleaning of non-ferrous metal, molds, and ceramic-parts.
Metalex®CL-320 For cleaning of steel, aluminum parts, resin traies

For cleaning of cosmetics-cleaning vessel and dimethyl silicone


For cleaning of grease, soot, and steel parts

Neutral detergents
Product name Application

Low-foaming type for steam cleaning.


Rust-removing use. Removal of iron powder and oil together. No irritating odor


For cleaning of cosmetics-cleaning vessel


Good biodegradability.

Metalex®MA-12 For cleaning of heavy stains by heavy oil and mineral oil. Good rinsability.
Acidic cleaning agents
Product name Application
Metalex®CL-880 For removing of rust, corrosion products, and slight oil as well.
Metalex®P-5 For removing of rust of steel products
Metalex®CL-751JT For cleaning of iron-based rust. Phosphate-free.
Pickling retardant
Product name Application

Pickling-corrosion inhibitor for hydrochloric acid

Metalworking fluids

Plastic working fluids
Product name Application

For various plastic working. Easy to degrease after processing.

Product name Application
MetaGrind SG For a barrel-polishing of steel parts
MetaGrind B-52

For aluminum and ferrous barrel polishing

Wire-drawing agent
Product name Application
Diesrex Fatty acid sodium system. For wire-drawing of mild and hard steel.

Specific-use product

Marine oil-spill treatment agents
Product name Application

For disposing of spilt oil on the sea surface by emulsifying and dispersing. Obtains Type Approval No. P-266.

Tire-mounting agent
Product name Application

For mounting of tires on automobile wheels and motorcycle rims.

Descaling agents for sugar manufacture
Product name Application

For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic scale removal.


For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic scale removal.

Metalex®MC-314 For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic and inorganic scale removals.
Metalex®MC-925 For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic and inorganic scale removals.
Printing ink removal agents
Product name Application
Metalex®CL-001 For cleaning of printing ink. Applicable to water- and oil-based inks.

For cleaning of printing ink. Applicable to UV ink.

Corrosion inhibitors

Anti-rust additives
Product name Application
Metalex®CA-1100 Additive for anti-rust oils and metalworking fluids.

Additive for anti-rust oils and metalworking fluids.

Water-soluble corrosion inhibitors
Product name Application

Corrosion inhibitor for circulation pipes and food processing machinery.


Water-jet blast use. Temporary corrosion prevention of steel parts.


Water-jet blast use. Temporary corrosion prevention of steel part. Nonhazardous material.


For water-soluble coolant. Corrosion inhibition of cooling towers.


For castings, steel, auto parts, and cast pump.

Metalex®CA-2063 For various metal parts including aluminum parts.
Cleaning-cum-corrosion inhibitors
Product name Application
Metalex®super FK For cleaning and corrosion prevention of precision parts

For cleaning and corrosion prevention of steel parts

Metalex®CHA-30 Corrosion prevention for steel and copper. Usable as a rinsing agent.
Water-dsiplacement agent
Product name Application

Draining-drying type corrosion prevention of steel parts. Cleaning and corrosion prevention of bearings.

Volatile corrosion inhibitors
Product name Application

For masterbacth of anti-corrosion film


For volatile-type anti-corrosion paper.

Anti-rust oils

NP Series
Product name Application
Metalex®AP-1 NP-1 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Hard membrane)
Metalex®AP-2 NP-2 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Soft membrane)
Metalex®SP-15 NP-3-1 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Water-displacement type flexible membrane)
Metalex®S-250 NP-19 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Transparent and non-adhesive membrane)
Metalex®SK NP-7 Lubricant type anti-rust oil (Medium viscosity oil membrane )
Metalex®SS NP-8 Lubricant type anti-rust oil (Low viscosity oil membrane)
Metalex®FPR NP-0 Fingerprint removing type anti-rust oil (Low viscosity oil Membrane)
Hard membrane type rust preventive oil
Product name Application

Excellent drying-characteristics. Rust prevention of the exterior of large structures.


Excellent drying-characteristics. Concrete placement molds and rust prevention of outdoor-use steel pipe joints.