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Please address your inquiry about this product line to:Cleaning agents
Alkaline cleaner
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CL-201 | For cleaning of non-ferrous metal, molds, and ceramic-parts. |
Metalex®CL-320 | For cleaning of steel, aluminum parts, resin traies |
Metalex®CL-370SIR | For cleaning of cosmetics-cleaning vessel and dimethyl silicone |
Metalex®superJT | For cleaning of grease, soot, and steel parts |
Neutral detergents
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CL-300S | Low-foaming type for steam cleaning. |
Metalex®CL-330 | Rust-removing use. Removal of iron powder and oil together. No irritating odor |
Metalex®CL-350ME | For cleaning of cosmetics-cleaning vessel |
Metalex®CL-316 | Good biodegradability. |
Metalex®MA-12 | For cleaning of heavy stains by heavy oil and mineral oil. Good rinsability. |
Acidic cleaning agents
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CL-880 | For removing of rust, corrosion products, and slight oil as well. |
Metalex®P-5 | For removing of rust of steel products |
Metalex®CL-751JT | For cleaning of iron-based rust. Phosphate-free. |
Pickling retardant
Product name | Application |
Metalex®AI-TW | Pickling-corrosion inhibitor for hydrochloric acid |
Metalworking fluids
Plastic working fluids
Product name | Application |
Metalex®UB-S | For various plastic working. Easy to degrease after processing. |
Product name | Application |
MetaGrind SG | For a barrel-polishing of steel parts |
MetaGrind B-52 | For aluminum and ferrous barrel polishing |
Wire-drawing agent
Product name | Application |
Diesrex | Fatty acid sodium system. For wire-drawing of mild and hard steel. |
Specific-use product
Marine oil-spill treatment agents
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CL-600 | For disposing of spilt oil on the sea surface by emulsifying and dispersing. Obtains Type Approval No. P-266. |
Tire-mounting agent
Product name | Application |
TIRELUBE | For mounting of tires on automobile wheels and motorcycle rims. |
Descaling agents for sugar manufacture
Product name | Application |
Metalex®T-1438 | For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic scale removal. |
Metalex®T-9050 | For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic scale removal. |
Metalex®MC-314 | For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic and inorganic scale removals. |
Metalex®MC-925 | For removing of scale inside an effect evaporator in sugar manufacture. Efficient for organic and inorganic scale removals. |
Printing ink removal agents
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CL-001 | For cleaning of printing ink. Applicable to water- and oil-based inks. |
Metalex®RA-30 | For cleaning of printing ink. Applicable to UV ink. |
Corrosion inhibitors
Anti-rust additives
Product name | Application |
Metalex®CA-1100 | Additive for anti-rust oils and metalworking fluids. |
Metalex®CA-1110 | Additive for anti-rust oils and metalworking fluids. |
Water-soluble corrosion inhibitors
Product name | Application |
Metalex®ANK | Corrosion inhibitor for circulation pipes and food processing machinery. |
Metalex®CA-2050L | Water-jet blast use. Temporary corrosion prevention of steel parts. |
Metalex®CA-2050W | Water-jet blast use. Temporary corrosion prevention of steel part. Nonhazardous material. |
Metalex®CA-2058 | For water-soluble coolant. Corrosion inhibition of cooling towers. |
Metalex®CA-2020 | For castings, steel, auto parts, and cast pump. |
Metalex®CA-2063 | For various metal parts including aluminum parts. |
Cleaning-cum-corrosion inhibitors
Product name | Application |
Metalex®super FK | For cleaning and corrosion prevention of precision parts |
Metalex®CL-470J | For cleaning and corrosion prevention of steel parts |
Metalex®CHA-30 | Corrosion prevention for steel and copper. Usable as a rinsing agent. |
Water-dsiplacement agent
Product name | Application |
Metalex®WD-1 | Draining-drying type corrosion prevention of steel parts. Cleaning and corrosion prevention of bearings. |
Volatile corrosion inhibitors
Product name | Application |
Metalex®V-210 | For masterbacth of anti-corrosion film |
Metalex®V560-9 | For volatile-type anti-corrosion paper. |
Anti-rust oils
NP Series
Product name | Application |
Metalex®AP-1 | NP-1 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Hard membrane) |
Metalex®AP-2 | NP-2 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Soft membrane) |
Metalex®SP-15 | NP-3-1 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Water-displacement type flexible membrane) |
Metalex®S-250 | NP-19 Solvent dilution type anti-rust oil (Transparent and non-adhesive membrane) |
Metalex®SK | NP-7 Lubricant type anti-rust oil (Medium viscosity oil membrane ) |
Metalex®SS | NP-8 Lubricant type anti-rust oil (Low viscosity oil membrane) |
Metalex®FPR | NP-0 Fingerprint removing type anti-rust oil (Low viscosity oil Membrane) |
Hard membrane type rust preventive oil
Product name | Application |
Metalex®DH-4 | Excellent drying-characteristics. Rust prevention of the exterior of large structures. |
Metalex®DH-50A | Excellent drying-characteristics. Concrete placement molds and rust prevention of outdoor-use steel pipe joints. |